For in-person appointments

Sacred Grove Naturopathic @ The Natural Health Centre is the only location that Dr. Rachel Worth-Cappell, ND has in-person office hours. You can also book telehealth appointments at this location.

For telehealth/video conference appointments

You can book at either location for telehealth/video conferencing appointments. If this is your preference, please ensure your appointment says Video Conference.

Ontario Residents - Naturopathic Medicine with Dr. Rachel Worth-Cappell

Rachel addresses the fundamental cause of disease through individualized treatments to approach the intricate and complex details of your health. With a focus on supporting the healing capacity of your own body, mind and spirit, you will go through a thorough health history, physical exams, lab work and intuitive knowing to get the whole picture of you. From here, Rachel offers a wide range of ... Read More

Rachel addresses the fundamental cause of disease through individualized treatments to approach the intricate and complex details of your health. With a focus on supporting the healing capacity of your own body, mind and spirit, you will go through a thorough health history, physical exams, lab work and intuitive knowing to get the whole picture of you. From here, Rachel offers a wide range of naturally-focused treatment modalities to help you achieve and maintain optimal health.

Full Spectrum Doula Care

Doula care is centred around providing emotional and physical comforts during life's big transitions. Most notably, doula care provides support for people trying to conceive, and pregnant people before, during and after birth. We also recognize that not all pregnancies end in the birth of a child and doula care can also be used to support pregnancy loss and pregnancy terminations.


Journeywork is a form of energy work that supports restoration of energetic balance within. Journeywork sessions are not related to naturopathic medicine and focus on how the energetic, emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual's life may be impacting them. Each session is unique and individual and can be done either person, or through video conference.

Rachel teaches nutrition and foraging, wilderness medicine and leads whitewater canoe trips through her ecocentric guiding company Braiding Rivers.

Carrying forward the wisdom of the rivers and the people she works with, naturopathic medicine is an extension of her deep respect for the healing power of nature. She is deeply passionate about educating patients with a focus on treatments that join nature, herbal medicine, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle therapy, naturopathic counselling and your own expertise on yourself.

Rachel teaches nutrition and foraging, wilderness medicine and leads whitewater canoe trips throu... Read More

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Located at: 43 Dunn St, Barry's Bay
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